"Wilton-house was formerly an Abbey; and
felt the full weight of the inquisition set on
foot in the reign of Henry the Eighth. The
ladies of Wilton-abbey were accused of too great an intimacy with the monks of a
neighbouring house. Stories of this kind were
listened to at the time of the dissolution with
great attention; though often perhaps void of
any foundation. Both houses however fell
together; and the demesnes of Wilton were
given to the Pembroke family, in whose hands
they still continue. The earl of that day
began immediately to turn the abbey into
a mansion: but the plan was not completed
in its present state till late in the reign of
Charles I. The garden-front by Inigo Jones
is admired by all judges of architecture. The
portico boasts the hand of Hans Holbein."
Extract from "Observations on the western parts of England" (Open Library)