Penshurst Place.
"Summer in the Kentish Weald means a very wealth of luxurious beauty in nature, and the approach to Penshurst, the home
of the Sidneys, leads through pleasant lanes bordered with hedges
where the wild rose and trailing honeysuckle mingle in friendly
fashion with shining holly leaves and the blackberry vine, while the
sweet-scented air blows softly over hill and vale, and a delicious
purple haze rests upon the surrounding landscape. At one point
of the way, on the high ridge between Southborough and Bidborough, a panorama
extending over the three counties of Kent, Surrey, and
Sussex lies stretched before you an undulating,
thickly-wooded country, fair and fertile, slumbering in
the noonday sun."
Extract from "Glimpses of Old English Homes" (Open Library)