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Hereford Cathedral.

"Upon the foundations of a church dedicated to King Ethelbert the martyr in 1012, and burned by the Welsh and Prince Griffith in 1055, Bishop Robert Lothingar in 1079 commenced the present Cathedral, on the plan of that of Aix-la-Chapelle, which was completed by Bishop Raynelm 1107-15. The retro-choir was the work of De Vere, bishop 1186-99; the Lady Chapel and crypt were erected about 1200. De Braose, bishop 1200-15, built the lower portion of the central tower, the upper part is a century earlier. Bishop Cantilupe built the north transept, 1275-82; the earlier part of the north porch, (Bishop Booth, 1516-35, built the later portion) choir, clerestory, and south-east cloister door." Extract from "Cathedrals of the United Kingdom" (Open Library)

Hereford Cathedral,
5 College Cloisters,
Cathedral Close,
Herefordshire HR 1 2NG

Some of the best cathedrals......

England: St Paul's Cathedral
England: York Minster
England: Canterbury Cathedral
Scotland: St Giles Cathedral
Wales: St David's Cathedral

Recommended ......

Read: St Paul's Cathedral: 1,400 Years at the Heart of London

Read: St Paul's: The Cathedral Church of London, 604-2004 (Yale Center for British Art)

Listen: Best Loved Hymns from York Minster

Read: The English Cathedral

Read: Cathedral: The Great English Cathedrals and the World That Made Them, 600-1540

Read: Canterbury Cathedral

Read: The Architecture of Canterbury Cathedral

Read: Coventry - Cathedral of Peace: Healing the Wounds of History in International Reconciliation

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